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Dr. Andrew Steinberg


Doctor Andrew Steinberg completed degrees in Chemical Engineering and Medicine at McGill University. He then went on to complete a degree in Urology at Mcgill followed by two years of training at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic in the United States where he mastered techniques in minimally invasive surgery.

Upon returning to Montreal, Dr Steinberg worked in the department of urology at the McGill University Health Center. In 2005, he was recruited to the “Service d’Urologie & Centre De La Prostate” on the south shore of Montreal. He continues to serve as associate part time member of the McGill Division of Urology.

Dr. Steinberg is an expert in laparoscopic management of prostate cancer, kidney cancer and adrenal diseases. He also interested in the management of general urological issues such as enlarged prostate (BPH), kidney stones and female urinary incontinence.

Dr. Steinberg has received numerous honors and awards and has multiple publications to his name. A few are mentioned below.

Clinic Details:

Elna Sexual Wellness

Phone: 514-473-5224
6900 Decarie Boul.
Suite M265
Montreal (QC)
H3X 2T8

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